The Links is a monthly roundup of articles from the Center, good reading and job links that have been posted on our website and social media in the last month.
Website news/blog posts:
- Doctoral Engineering Program focuses on coastal natural disasters (April 28, 2017)
- April CRC newsletter
- Student from CRC program receives Distinguished Dissertation honor (April 24, 2017)
- Coastal Resilience Center project to utilize cloud computing award to simulate storm impacts (April 17, 2017)
- NC students address recovery in Hurricane Matthew-affected communities during DesignWeek (April 11, 2017)
- Project aims to change reaction to risk information (April 10, 2017)
CRC in the news:
- Some entire N.C. towns may become vacant memorials to Matthew by Martha Quillin //The News & Observer (4.21.17)
- CRC’s Gavin Smith to lead post-Matthew disaster recovery efforts by UNC Research (4.19.17)
- How should Kinston solve its major flooding? by Adam Wagner // The Daily News (Jacksonville)/Star-News Online (Wilmington)/ (4.9.17)
- URI hurricane expert received award from NOAA by The University of Rhode Island (4.1.2017)
- Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Practitioner’s Guide and Resilience Scorecard by Association of State Floodplain Managers (3.2017)
Good reading:
- Muddy waters: Defining the 100-year flood by Coastwatch Magazine (Spring 2017)
- Hurricane information overload? New products cause some concern by The Palm Beach Post (4.19.17)
- When rising seas transform risk into certainty by The New York Times (4.18.17)
- Six months later, Hurricane Matthew recovery continues by Public Radio East (4.17.17)
- Bill would protect hurricane forecasting programs by Greensboro News & Record (4.15.17)
- A more resilient future: FEMA’s public assistance deductible by National Resource Defense Council (4.14.17)
- The Crystal Ball of King Tides: Predicting how cities will respond to climate change by Carolina Angles (Department of City & Regional Planning at UNC-Chapel Hill blog) (4.14.17)
- Keepers of our coast by Endeavors/UNC Research (4.11.17)
- A green infrastructure guidebook for city planners by CityLab (4.10.17)
- Xi Jinping, Donald Trump… and H.R. 353, the Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017. by Living on the Real World (4.10.17)
- Coastal mortgage value collapse by Risk & Insurance (4.7.17)
- Seven Springs remains a ghost town after Matthew’s devastation by WRAL (4.6.17)
- North Carolina asks Congress for $1 billion more in Hurricane Matthew help by The News & Observer (4.6.17)
- Responder News: Mutual Aid Resource Planning Tool Improves Community Preparedness by Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate (4.5.17)
- Coastal inundation reveals the upside of climate change by Wired (4.5.17)
- NC Communities Get Funds for Matthew Recovery Projects, Gov. Cooper Announces by NC Governor’s Office (4.4.17)
- Miami’s fight against rising seas by The British Broadcasting Corporation (4.3.17)
- House bill requires FEMA to provide a plan for more consistent guidance after disasters by Emergency Management (3.28.17)
- Norfolk prepares for battle with rising sea level by WUNC (3.20.17)
- For 26,000 Louisiana homes, businesses, levees won’t be enough by New Orleans Times-Picayune (3.20.17)
- Why we continue to develop floodplains: Examining the disincentives for conservation in federal policy by Earth Economics (3.15.17)
- Identifying innovative recovery strategies by Coastwatch Magazine (Winter 2017)
Job, event and funding postings: